About the Course

Welcome to a first year-specific Barts and The London CR/MET/LOCO OSCE revision guide curated at one of the UK's leading medical schools. We seek to educate and improve your ability to perform hard-to-grasp clinical skills from taking a patient's blood pressure to feeling for crepitus in the knee. This tutorial covers it all. We will walk you through model OSCEs for each of the clinical exams as well as providing deeper explanations on why the actions are performed and ways to improve certain techniques through tips and tricks that we have learned from our time at Barts and The London. 

This year, Medics Academy has supported a Student Selected Component (SSC) at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. The SSC is to promote medical innovation, entrepreneurship and technology. We have supported second-year medical students to develop a peer-to-peer revision course for first-year medical students. As part of the process, all profits will be donated to a charity we have previously worked with--StreetDoctors.

About the Authors

Cherry Jain

Year 2 Medical Student - Barts and The London

Cherry Jain is a second year medical student at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. “In this SSC, I am hoping to further advance some of the skills I’ve described above as well as learn more about medical innovation as I’m hugely interested in medical research and the development of medical practices. I hope to take forward any new skills onto projects I commence in the future to help them be more successful.”

Michael Ni’Man

Year 2 Medical Student - Barts and The London

Michael Ni’Man is a second year medical student at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Mathanki Soorasangaram

Year 2 Medical Student - Barts and The London

Mathanki Soorasangaram is a second year medical student at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction

    • Introduction

  • 2

    2. General Principles

    • WIPER

    • General examination

    • Percussion

  • 3

    3. Lower Limb Examination

    • Model examination

    • Standing observation

    • Seated observation

    • Special Tests

  • 4

    4. Blood Pressure Examination

    • Model examination

    • Locating pulse and inflating cuff

    • Deflating cuff and sounds to listen for

    • What you should state

  • 5

    5. Cardiovascular Examination

    • Model examination

    • JVP

    • Apex beat

    • How to use the stethoscope

    • Auscultating heart valves

    • Peripheral pulses

    • Oedema

  • 6

    6. Abdominal examination

    • Model examination

    • Palpate

    • The 9 areas of the abdomen

    • Palpating and percussing the liver

    • Palpating and percussing the spleen

    • Balloting the kidney

  • 7

    7. Respiratory Examination

    • Model examination

    • Respiratory rate and trachea

    • Lymph nodes and chest expansion

    • Percussion

    • Vocal fremitus

    • Auscultation

  • 8

    8. Upper Limb Examination

    • Model examination

    • Pain and exposure

    • Valgus, Varus, and Temperature

    • Passive and active movements

    • Lateral and medial epicondylitis

    • Function test

  • 9

    9. Summary

    • Conclusion