About the Course

Join Dr. Colin Brown, someone who has practical experience of Ebola Virus Disease, as he introduces the deadly 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak that terrified the world. Colin delivers the course with real depth and passion, a testament to his leading role on the ground in Sierra Leone during the 2014 outbreak. Understand the natural history of the virus, learn how it is transmitted and hear about the epidemiology of the West African outbreak and its successful management. See how cases should be investigated and identified, be trained on the most effective treatment strategies and grasp the preventive measures required to avoid another outbreak. Why not give it a try, especially as this one is on us!

About the Author

Dr. Colin Brown

Consultant in Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology

Dr Colin Brown is Cosultant in infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology based in London. He has an expertise in tuberculosis, HIV and re-emerging infectious diseases. He is a graduate of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London and is currently an advisor to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health and practices at Public Health England. He is the Infectious Diseases Advisor for the King's Sierra Leone Partnership, and was heavily involved in the clinical and public health response to the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in West Africa in 2014-16.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction

    • Course welcome

    • Background

    • Discovery

    • Number of cases

    • Fruit bat distribution

    • Genetic analysis of ebola

    • Study of ebola patients

    • Lassa hemorrhagic fever

    • Phylogenetic tree

    • The black swan in west Africa

  • 2

    2. Ebola Outbreaks

    • West African outbreak

    • Modeling ebola in west africa

    • Stages of intervention

    • Guinea epidemic curve

  • 3

    3. Clinical Disease and Diagnosis

    • Clinical disease

    • Case definition of ebola

    • Peripheral health units

    • Presenting symptoms

    • Rapid diagnosis test

  • 4

    4. The Response to an Outbreak

    • Public health response

    • Connaught hospital

    • Ebola holding units

    • Benefits of units

    • Personal protective equipment

    • Setting up a ebola holding unit

    • Clinical and public health response

    • Post Ebola syndrome

    • Field trials

    • Field trials going forward

    • Response intervention

    • Vaccination trial

    • Interventions

  • 5

    5. Going Forward

    • Health system challenges

    • Going forward

    • Health care workers

  • 6

    6. Summary

    • Learning points

    • Conclusion

    • How likely are you to recommend The Management of Ebola Virus Disease course to a friend or colleague?