About the Course

In this module we take a closer look at the first sequential steps to a trauma approach. We examine the CABC approach and understand the mental picture of the bleeding patient. We take a closer look at pre-hospital damage control resuscitation and evaluate the methods available to us.

We then examine the principle of Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy (ATC), the pathophysiology and the principles of treatment to guard against this. We go on to look at blunt and penetrating injuries and get a feel for our sensitive tools and indicators in this environment. We also examine the difference between the sequelae of blunt and penetrating injury and the problems both can cause for the clinician.

We finally take a look at Traumatic Cardiac Arrest, the problems it poses, some of the past empirical literature and an easy, stepwise process to follow to reverse treatable pathology in this sub-set of patients.

About the Organisation

World Extreme Medicine

World Extreme Medicine (formerly Expedition & Wilderness Medicine) is the world’s leading provider of expedition, wilderness and remote medicine training courses for medical professionals.WEM was born out of expeditions over 20 years ago, while we have changed and grown, we continue to lead the way in outstanding and inspirational training. Alongside exciting training we also offer extensive consultancy and medical support for projects across the globe. If you have a project you’d like help with please get in touch HERE.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction

    • Approach to trauma care

    • Learning outcomes

    • 2.2 Cabcd

    • 2.3 The 'c' problem

    • 2.4 Exsanguination

    • 2.5 A mental picture of these patients

    • 2.6 Pre-hospital damage control resuscitation

    • 2.7 Plugging the gaps

    • 2.8 Acute traumatic coagulopathy

    • 2.9 Management of atc

    • 2.10 Atc principle

    • 2.11 Patient with atc

    • 2.12 blunt injuries

    • 2.13 Blunt injuries continued

    • 2.14 Penetrating limb injuries

    • 2.15 The small stab wound

    • 2.16 Bullets don’t take linear paths

    • 2.17 Energy dissipation

    • 2.18 Entry and exit and cavitation

    • 2.19 Pressure points

    • 2.20 Haemostatic dressings

    • 2.21 Tourniquets

    • 2.22 the management of traumatic cardiac arrest

    • 2.23 JRCALC Guidance 2013

    • 2.24 Things to address in traumatic cardiac arrest

    • 2.25 The algorithm

    • 2.26 View point of professor of trauma karim brohi

    • 2.27 Useful acroynms

    • 2.29 Summary of approach to trauma care

    • 2.30 Conclusion to principles and approach to trauma care